Wortham Hall, April 6th, 1763

Back home the condition of little Timothy was alarming and the parents distressed. Mrs. P was around and about the nursery the whole night, while J sat gravely in the corridor next to it. The apothecary was here twice already and my father sent for a doctor immediately when we arrived yesterday. The fever has lessend through the night and we all are hopeful the baby will be on the mend soon.
As Mrs. P forbid any noise in the house I coudln´t play the harp or anything. Reading was not possible as father occupied the library in a frantic search for diversion. Mother was in the nursery, being as helpful at the best. So I walked around the park at least three times today. Dinner was quite, only father as my company. J wasn´t hungry, Mrs. P stayed in the nursery and mother was so fatigued giving advices to everybody around that she went to bed very early.


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