June 24th, 1763

I know not how I could pass my days without my friendship towards Miss B. I love her like I should love my sisters. I can't remember when I last looked forward to seeing my sisters. (I rather prefer Violet to Patsy though; Patsy is always so pious and expostulating, like an old maid or annoying teacher...)
I'm looking forward to see Harriet and next week I'll introduce her to Miss B. They might become friends as well. Who couldn't fall for Miss B!?

Tomorrow my dearest Harriet will arrive, her husband towed along. I'm curious to see whether Lord C will like them. It all depends on that, so I will be able to see more of my friend in the future. In Town for instance, or travel into Gloucestershire or to Bath... They are to stay for two weeks after which they will proceed to meet her parents. I'm relieved to hear from Lord C that we won't have time to join them. - I can't imagine many worse things than visiting my family.

later that night...
I've read in the Bible, that 'if a married man dies, his brother must marry his sister-in-law.' - Does that count for only engaged couples as well? I mean, we've seen it didn't become Catherine of Aragon so well to have been the wife of her brother-in-law...

Whenever Lord C and I get along quite well and I'm not accidentally hurting his feelings, he supposedly sees a need in destroying this kind of harmony between us!


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