June 30th, 1763, night part 1

Today we went to attend a ball at a more distant manor house. We drove 2 hours to get to Littledale, a picturesque setting right out of a book.The younger son, Lieutenant Flynn Littledale, a close friend of Lord C's, and just recently back from Quebec, marries his long-time fiancée, a Miss Brightwen. The Littledales are very wealthy people and now, that their son arrived back home (alive), they can afford to give him a generous living.
With the lucky man came also his friend Harbottle Shaughnessy; also an old friend of Lord C. I begin to wonder how many people that man knows and where from... - I very well know that he doesn't know them from Quebec, as he didn't come from the colonies after his brothers death - he was already in the country when it happened... Or he came back earlier than his friends, for the capitulation was already three years ago; only the peace treaty was signed this year in February... - I realize, I don't know the man I'm married to at all...

Well, we arrived here at Littledale and met the family and Lord C's friends. Mr O fascinated by their stories and Harriet and I were immediately shoved into the brides room... How I detest nuptials...

When the ball began, Lord C had nothing better to do, than asking for my hand in the first two dances. What else could I do than accept. Harriet danced of course with her Clive, but had filled her dancing booklet in no time and was not available for help. I also danced with Shaughnessy, who was very amiable; a distinctive trait among these friends I suppose. Mr. Littledale also asked for a dance and was very eager to have all informations about how his friend got such a wife... What!? I think I turned red as a strawberry and he just smiled, thinking me adorable and shy... Men!
The rest of the night was very pleasant, as the music was wonderful and the Littledales had hired a couple of professional dancers to entertain.


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