September 7th, 1763

It is well after midnight and I'm "allowed" to go to bed. Lord C's aunt and cousin arrived two hours ago, completely exhausted from what sounded like an odyssey. Though we knew about their broken carriage and their being late to arrive, we were quite worried about their whereabouts. Ms. C assured us promptly that the inn was comfortable, the food acceptable and the roads dry again when they set out the following noon towards Leyland.

When we heard the commotion on the front lawn and the barking dogs, Lord C's first thought was about burglars and wanted to send me upstairs... but Brittles announced a carriage and we were assuaged immediately. Ms C was extremely tired and after being introduced by my husband, I let her upstairs and ordered her dinner to her room. Lord C did the same accompanying his cousin, who was more than eager to chat with him incessantly. Ms. C, or rather Aunt Susan (as I was ordered to call her), refreshed herself aided by her maid, but still able to talk at length about the journey. When she had changed and stepped in front of the screen, she smiled warmly and excused her endless chatter, embracing her "new niece" and asking a vast number of questions about my family, home, how I liked to be the mistress of my own house and so on... Finally she remembered the time and sent me to bed, wanting to see me in the breakfast parlour the next morning... (I went to find Mrs. Lewis at once to ask about Ms. C's usual time to get up!)

Now I'm exhausted and hope to find sleep directly.


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