Leyland Manor, April 3rd, 1763

I must have been in ebullient a mood, for I have entertained the party at Leyland with playing the harp. Oh so beautifully! 'What a charming, accomplished young lady she is, Sir! A stunning performance, indeed.' - Well, thank you, my Lord. I´m most obliged to your extraordinary good taste. The first words he spoke to me, oh hang it, about me. For he told my father that he liked my playing, not to me; for I think I was present at that time, for I still felt the strings oscillate against my fingertips. There I sat, facing my future husband and my parents, but no-one taking any notice of me really being there. What has happened? Did this indifference took lodgings in our family over night like an unwelcome relative, one has no polite chance to turn down? They didn´t urge me to play again, so I kept my seat at the instrument and looked out of the window; none of them actually cared if I took part in their conversation.
The same procedure was very helpful at church this morning. We all went to service at the local parish church that is a 15 minute walk away from the house and located at the end of the main street of Leyland Village. While my parents took the carriage, J and Mrs. P were walking with us as chaperones. Coming up the lane and being visible to all in the churches vicinity, we were the talk of the day. His Lordship with his rumoured fiancĂ©e. We were greeted warmly by all and the vicar in particular. Lord C. enjoyed the trouble and nodded amiably to his acquaintances. - Service itself was as often a very tiresome event. I had to share the prayer book with his Lordship, because Mama forbid me to take mine with me. For exactly this purpose, I´m sure. She had a great time this morning...


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