March 10th, 1763

My dearest friend Harriet finally sent me word from Clarington. Keen as she was to get away from home, she really seems to be happy. But thank you, my dear, for not troubling me with any remarks of my own marriage-to-be. You were the only one not scolding this wretched chit that I am. There I go, selfish, ignorant Emy. What do I know of the world? - That my friend is far away. And self-absorbed as I am these days, I care not a smidgeon about Mrs. P´s remarks on marital felicity.

'Clarington House, March 6th, 1763

My dearest Emy,

at last I am able to write this letter worthy in length to my best friend.
I wish you to be well and happy as I am and hope your family is treating you better, now that you agreed to their wishes. Please, tell me you´re well, for I feel very bad indeed having left you at this time.
We are quite busy removing the dust here and make the house presentable to all our friends. You have to promise, to come and stay a long time as soon as you can. You are always very welcome. Clive, too, said as much and is happy to oblige every whim his little wife has.
Gloucestershire is really at the end of the world, but I will not complain, for the neighbourhood is very nice and close-by lives a very charming young family my Clive is befriended with for ages... We already dined there two times and they came yesterday to dine with us. We are a merry party.

Yours affectionately,
Harriet Osberton

How well that sounds!'


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